Signpost with this way, that way and no way
London,  Squares,  Street photography

Gallery: odd (square) corners of London

If you have lived in a city for a long while, maybe all your life, you find yourself photographing its sights less and less, however lovely there may be. Do I really need another photo of the Tower of London? Of St Paul’s Cathedral? Of the river Thames?

Well yes, probably I do! There’s always a shift in the light or an interesting passer-by to make the shot at least a little different from previous versions. But for the most part when I venture out with my camera that close to home I am on the look out for something fresh and maybe a little odd.

That makes it the perfect subject with which to kick off Becky’s month of Squares for February, on the theme of Odd.

Trough of grasses and man with horse head mask

At the Oxo Building on the South Bank – man with a horse’s head ‘eating’ the ornamental grass

Large soft toy dog with a warning sign

Spotted by some bins outside flats in Brentford, west London

Looking over the shoulder of a man at a photo of a green bird

At a wildlife photography exhibition

Man looking at his phone next to a photo of a polar bear

At the same wildlife photography exhibition

Group of people on a train, one dressed as a waiter

A Faulty Towers re-enactment in a Tube train carriage which I came across quite by chance while travelling one evening

Two girls with floral headdresses and phones

Spotted on the Tube – I wondered what the foil was for as it looked so incongruous next to their outfits!

Mock bus stop sign advertising a music event

Sign at the Cally Fest on the Caledonian Road in north London

London taxi with model tree emerging from roof.

At Trinity Buoy Wharf on the Thames in east London – not a tree growing from a taxi but an art installation

I’ll be back with more Odd Squares later in the month, from further afield!


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