Two baby baboons playing
CBWC,  Photographic techniques,  Themed galleries

Gallery: two of a kind

One possible twist to the usual alternatives of colour or black and white is the use of selective colour. This can look quite gimmicky, so I prefer to keep the colours muted to tone in better with the grey shades.

For Cee’s Black and White challenge theme of Matching Things I’ve trawled my archives for some images of pairs: flowers, birds, animals, people and various inanimate objects. And because Cee allows selective colour I decided to play around with them a bit, just for a change.

All these images were edited in Silver Efex Pro using control points to gradually reintroduce colour. I added a fading vignette at the same time, and a narrow frame back in Photoshop.

Pale pink flowers against a grey background

Bougainvillea at the Royal Palace in Luang Prabang, Laos

Pale pink flowers against a grey background

Desert Rose growing near Salalah in southern Oman

Two tall grey birds reflected in a lake

Demoiselles Cranes at Khichan, Rajasthan

Two brown birds in a bush

Bubuls in Ranthambore NP, India

Black and white photo of two small cats

Spotted in a tea plantation village in Munnar, Kerala

Two large teddy bears on a balcony

In a window near Les Halles, Paris

Black and white photo of two men in white robes

Musicians at Nizwa Fort in Oman

Two men silhouetted on a sand dune

Two guides at Wahiba Sands, Oman, at sunset

Two stone statues with red hats and bibs

Bake-Jizō in Kanmangafuchi Abyss, Nikko, Japan

Black and white photo of a lamp post with two curved brackets

Lamp post in Lyme Regis, Dorset

Black and white photo of marigold stupas

Offerings at the Royal Palace in Luang Prabang, Laos

Black and white photo of two daisies with pale yellow centres

Daisies at Runnymede

Black and white photo with two orange tinted drinks

Evening drinks by the Seine, Paris


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