The traveller sees what he sees, the tourist sees what he has come to see
Gilbert K. Chesterton
Like many who travel a lot, I prefer to think of myself as more than just a tourist, at least based on the quote above. But I’m never sure it’s as clear cut as that, and I don’t get too offended by the ‘tourist’ tag! I think the truth of the matter is, we are all both at times, depending on where we are and what we are doing.
It’s a few months since I last had a go at one of Cee’s ‘two letter’ challenges. Back then I argued that all my travel shots fitted her brief of two Ms, as each contains a special MEMORY. The same might be argued today, as all my travel photos reflect my time as a TOURIST. But again, that would be cheating!
So here instead are some photos of other tourists/ travellers, as well as some additional subjects with two Ts. I hope I can get away with including a few place names? And I’ve tried to include at least some shots you won’t have seen before.

Tourists photographing lemurs in the Analamazaotra Reserve, Madagascar

Visitors to Kiyomizu-dera Temple, Kyoto

On the boardwalk, Isla Bartolomé, Galápagos

On the streets of Thamel, Kathmandu, Nepal

Red Admiral spotted (and carefully avoided!) on a path in the Parc André Citroën, Paris

Otter at the British Wildlife Centre, England

Heron footprint on a beach at sunrise, Abu Dhabi

Seattle and Mount Rainier photographed from the Space Needle, Washington State, USA

Lake Atitlán seen from a road above the town of Panajachel, Guatemala

The restored sixteenth century Bauska Castle in Latvia

A ruined Portuguese watchtower in the village of Misfat Al Abriyeen, Oman
Giant tortoise, Isla Santa Cruz, Galápagos

Mari Nicholson
Great collection of images mirroring your interests. I couldn’t pick a favourite they are all so good. I feel like a tourist when I can’t speak the language, which is nearly always when I’m off the beaten track. It’s that marooned feeling and being unable to communicate sufficiently to ask the questions I want and to enter into a full conversation, wondering if the locals are accepting me at my value or theirs and not being able to eat the food of the area (often, in remote areas). I’d like to think I’m a traveller but I don’t think I stay long enough in one area to qualify these days.
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you 😊 I know what you mean about the language barriers but most of us are in the same boat in most places! Likewise the food – I have to be very careful with my rather over-sensitive digestive system 🙄
Excellent. I still wopnder sometimes whether the “tourists” are not just “the others”. Me? A tourist? Never… 😉
Having said that, I like the definition.
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you 🙂 And I think you’re spot on – tourists are always the other visitors, never yourself!!
Another great collection of photos, Sarah. I always admire your people shots, so candid. You obviously thought outside the box for this challenge
Sarah Wilkie
Thanks so much Alison 😊
Beautiful collection of pictures! I think for me it changes by the moment if Im a traveller or a tourist. I feel like a traveller in those moments of wonder at the view before me. But those moments of hurrying and feeling lost in a different place I feel very much like Im a tourist.
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you 😊 I agree with you, I really don’t think there’s a clearcut difference!
A lovely collection Sarah. Your first three tourist photos really speak for tourists. Wondering if I can call myself a tourist when I start exploring my new homeland here in Cyprus, although I wonder more about when I should actually start. 😂
From tourists to your photo of Lake Atitlán which is magically beautiful! And I really like your picture of the Castle in Latvia, perhaps because of the soft colors, framing and its aesthetic architecture. In the Heron footprints picture, the light looks really nice and who can resist a Tortoise? :))
Sarah Wilkie
Thanks so much, Anita, for the detailed comments 😊 I’ve seen so many lovely photos of Cyprus from you that I’m confident you have already started to explore! Yes, the light was lovely for the heron footprint, just after sunrise, and Lake Atitlán was magical from every angle, both lakeside and as here from above 😀
Sorry Sarah, can’t resist this….so you’re saying there’s only one T in Traveller…but now and again there’s a U in Tourist. Great photo collection, so many to like, but favourite has to be the Atitlan shot, love it when we capture clouds below peaks, it’s a special thing to see.
Sarah Wilkie
Haha yes, you’re not wrong 😀 And I’m happy to be called a tourist or a traveller, but I suspect I’m more of the former much of the time!
Not sure I agree with you…’re far too interested in history/geography/culture/custom/tradition to carry the “tourist” tag, you know. “Tourist” suggests “casual visitor” in my mind….but hey it’s just words…
Sarah Wilkie
OK yes, if that’s your definition then I agree – I was thinking more of the fact that I don’t get the chance to stay very long in most places!
Brad M
Very nice photos and accompanying story. I was surprised to see a photo of the place my daughter visited several weeks ago: Lake Atitlán in Guatemala.
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Brad 🙂 Your daughter is fortunate, it’s a beautiful place!
Great post Sarah, and on Traveller/Tourist, I, of course like to think of myself as a Traveller!
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Sue 🙂 I think most of us do, but as I said, I feel it’s not that clear cut!
But I think those of us that have curiosity and look off the beaten track are travellers!
Wow, clever post and an intriguing variety of photos. Think you are more a traveller being able to photograph as you do. Your focus on different angles helps us see more than just standard tourist shots. Of which we all take some!
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you 😊 I guess my photos do reflect the kind of things that interest me when I travel, and I also think that looking for the best photo opps makes me a more curious traveller than I would be otherwise.
I am definitely both🙂
Sarah Wilkie
I think we mostly all are, but I find some travellers a bit snobbish about the idea that they are ever tourists!
I am often like a tourist in my own town when something is happening.
A great gallery Sarah of TT’s 🙂
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Brian 🙂 Yes, I quite often play tourist in London – who wouldn’t, with so much to see and do here?!
Made a comment before but I son’t know if it went through. But I love the tourists. I don’t get annoyed by them because I know I am one of them haha. I can’t help it. I am even a tourist in my own city.
Love your double Ts Sarah ❤️
You keep right on travelling, and bringing back all these wonderful images to share with us!
Sarah Wilkie
Thanks so much Margaret – no danger of me stopping yet!
Sarah Wilkie
This is the only comment I’ve seen here from you Teresa, unless the anonymous one below is yours? I confess I do sometimes get irritated by tourists in London, there are just so many of them! Especially at the moment, it has been just crazy in the run-up to Christmas. But I know we need them, and it just wasn’t the same in lockdowns.
the eternal traveller
Lovely photos! We like to spend a longer time in fewer places when we travel, as much as we can, which for us is more about travelling than touristing. And you’re right, there are times when you just have to be a tourist. Better to go for a day than not go at all.
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you 🙂 Yes, staying longer is one way to feel less tourist-like as you can explore less well-known sights and immerse yourself more in local culture.
Gosh you did very well there!! ‘Street’ is a good one!!
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Marie 🙂 I was quite pleased with that thought myself!
Anne Sandler
No matter how many “T’s” Sarah, your beautiful pictures take us all over the world!
Sarah Wilkie
Thanks so much Anne, glad you liked the ‘journey’ 😀
I am always a tourist even in my own city. I can’t help it.
Lovely captures of double Ts Sarah.
satyam rastogi
Nice post nice pictures 🙏
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you
satyam rastogi
Welcome 🙏 freinds