Coastal scene with small boat and snowy mountains
Chicago,  Colombia,  Lens-Artists,  Madagascar,  Norway,  Paris,  Travel galleries,  Travel in general

Gallery: last chance to share (for now)

Bruce Springsteen

Iโ€™ve come to realise that I will probably never see ALL the countries I would like to. And more importantly, Iโ€™ve realised that I donโ€™t have to. What matter is not ticking off a list but gathering experiences and creating memories. But that doesnโ€™t mean that I donโ€™t want to do as much travelling as is practical and affordable for us!

2023 has been a good year for travelling, the best since before the pandemic. Iโ€™ve been to four different continents: South America (Colombia), North America (Chicago), Africa (Madagascar) and Europe (Tirana, Trondheim and Tromsรธ in Norway, and Paris twice!). Iโ€™ve shared photos of all of these trips extensively, both in my Lens Artists posts and others. But I take so many photos when I travel that there are inevitably some that donโ€™t initially see the light of day, even among those I like.

So when Tina invited us to share favourites from 2023 that havenโ€™t appeared in any previous LAC posts I decided it was a great opportunity to dig some of them out. To make things harder for myself (but hopefully more interesting for you) Iโ€™ve tried to choose shots that havenโ€™t appeared in any of my previous posts. That isnโ€™t an easy task, when my absolute favourites from each month are almost always included in my Changing Seasons posts, but I think Iโ€™ve managed it, But it doesnโ€™t mean of course that they will never appear in the future!

Landscape with green rolling hills

The view from the Mirador Colina Iluminada near Filandia

Landscape with a lake and low clouds

A rainy view of the Reservoir El Peรฑol-Guatapรฉ

Man carrying lots of straw baskets

A basket-seller in the Plaza de San Diego, Cartagena

Lamppost with concrete balconies and windows on building behind

Sculpture of a woman's head with flowers for hair

Motorbike with Albanian flag

Colourful houses reflected in a river

Evening by the Nidelva river in Trondheim

Harbour with small boats and distant snow-covered mountains, with sky partly blue and partly cloudy

Tromsรธ harbour, taken just before midnight

Two women talking on a bench in front of graffiti

Outdoor table with coffee cups and a croissant

Sparrows pecking at a piece of pizza on a pizza box

The best thing to do with a deep dish pizza imho!

Man on a bench on a station platform

Quincy station on the L

Cluster of buildings, some modern glass and one older stone

Parasol and blanket on a beach

Man passing a colourfully painted plumbing shop

Red flower on an otherwise bare branch

Rough road between trees with two men on laden bikes

Aerial view with a castle, town and river


  • Wind Kisses

    Happy New Year, Sarah. We talk often of that window. The “travel window” . As we currently enjoy remote places, we know we have maybe 5 years of left for that. So the where to go and what to do list is important. We sat down with our calendar last night and tentatively planned the year, with notes on…maybe next year. How lucky we are to have the chance to travel. So many photos to love on this last chance post. The basket sellers, the Nidelva River, the metro with the street are a few favorites this week.

    • Sarah Wilkie

      Thank you Donna – I think many of us become increasingly aware that travel may not always be possible, or that the ways in which we travel may have to change. Certainly we prioritise those places we think may become impractical sooner rather than later, leaving the ‘easier’ destinations for a later date (which may or may not happen). We have some plans for this year (some definite, some tentative) and a few vague thoughts about the next, but it’s too soon to plan for that.

    • Sarah Wilkie

      Thank you Maggie ๐Ÿ˜Š I only got that rainy shot because I didn’t feel up to climbing the steep rock there with Chris and our guide, so I went for a coffee at the foot where I had that view!

  • SoyBend

    Your first picture is stunning, Sarah. I liked how the dusting of snow emphasizes the lines curving down to the shore. I also liked your photo of the hardware store. The artwork is much more interesting than a commercially made sign.

  • Leya

    It’s always fun to travel with you, Sarah! The variety, the interest in people, the social structures, the architecture, the landscapes – well, the variety is amazing. Thank you sor another great gallery – I can’t imagine where you will end up next!

    • Sarah Wilkie

      Thanks so much Ann-Christine ๐Ÿ˜Š I do like to mix things up a bit, both in my travels and in my photography! As to where next – Mexico in February ๐Ÿ˜€

  • jazzibee

    Enjoyed all your photographs! All so well captured as I’ve come to expect, and you’ve certainly got around. All the best for 2024 and hope your new year is as successful as the old one.

  • restlessjo

    Terrible year, Sarah! No chance that I’ll have one as bad next year. You came back with a limp! Seriously, I hope it’s another good ‘un. Favourites- that opener in Columbia looks so inviting, and I like the basket seller too. That poinsettia is exactly like the one I have on my patio. Wishing you a joyful Christmas!

    • Sarah Wilkie

      Haha, thank you Jo ๐Ÿ˜˜ If a limp is the worst thing I get next year I won’t be too upset, but if I can avoid even that I’ll be happier still! I’m lining up a festive walk for you this morning ๐ŸŽ„โœจ

  • Sofia Alves

    What an interesting year you had, Sarah! Whenever I see your photos I think you’re a proper travel photographer. It’s not all about the landscapes with you, its the people. Great post!

    • Sarah Wilkie

      Thank you Sofia ๐Ÿ˜Š Yes, certainly I like to capture a rounded picture of a place and that has to include its people as well as its major sights and landscapes.

  • grandmisadventures

    What a marvelous year in pictures! Looking forward to seeing where you take us next year. I love your thought on traveling and wanting to see all you can while you can. I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately, that desire to see everything but realizing there is always more to see. But the memories we make along the way are what really make places mean so much. ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Sarah Wilkie

      Thanks so much ๐Ÿ˜Š Yes, I think that’s something that all of us who love to travel a lot gradually come to understand and accept, and once you’ve done so you can focus on and treasure what really matters about travelling – the experiences, the memories, the people you meet …

  • rosalieann37

    I have a similar photo coming in to Heathrow, and also ones of London and the Thames when the plane was low enough to have interesting photos. I am now 86, and have spinal stenosis which has resulted in my left foot being paralyzed and my right foot not far behind. Right now it is a problem getting into my own house, so I am not certain whether I will ever do any more traveling. I have not completely given up hope, but the way forward is not clear

    • Sarah Wilkie

      Oh yes, I’ve often flown in over London and if you’re on the right side of the plane you can get some great views! I’m sorry to hear about your mobility problems Rosalie, but I reckon if anyone can find a way to continue to travel it will be you! I’ve always admired how much you’ve managed to do up to now ๐Ÿค—

  • Kelly MacKay

    I agree I’m going to be 56 December 24th, and I want to see so many places yet my budget is keeping up with my desires. I have not given up but the writing is on the wall, I’ll have pick places are most important and so them. I’m glad you had a good travel year thanks for sharing your favorites

  • Suzanne@PictureRetirement

    Sarah, the fact that these didn’t make the cut for previous posts serves as testament to just how good you are behind the lens. Wow! I appreciate that you don’t need to tick boxes, or go places just for the sake of going. To me, it’s about being there, in the moment, even if it is my third time visiting the same destination. There is always something new to experience. Thanks for sharing your talent.

    • Sarah Wilkie

      Thanks so much Suzanne ๐Ÿ˜Š I’m sure these would have appeared in a post eventually (and they still may, as I said!) I know just what you mean about being in the moment although, apart from Paris, we tend not to go back to the same places. But we hope to visit San Francisco again next year and some other parts of California perhaps – we were last there in 1991!

  • janet

    Iโ€™d say you had a wonderful travel year, Sarah, and a plethora of marvelous shots. I loved them all. The breakfast shot made me happy and the birds with the pizza box turned litter into a delightful photo. Wonderful all around.


  • the eternal traveller

    So many amazing experiences – you’ve had a great year. We have a lot of places we’d like to see too and there’s only so much travel we can fit in each year. I’m grateful for all that we have done.

  • Tina Schell

    You know what they say Sarah “โ€œIf you want to be a better photographer, stand in front of more interesting stuff.โ€ You have taken that advice very much to heart! Your images capture the personality of the places you visit, which to me is so much more than scenic photos of beautiful or otherwise interesting places. (altho I did love the castle from the sky!) Terrific post, so happy we offered you an opportunity to share them !

    • Sarah Wilkie

      That’s a thought-provoking saying Tina and I’m not sure I 100% agree as I’ve seen plenty of great photos of things that we might not initially think are interesting. I reckon a really good photographer can make the everyday look interesting by helping us to see it differently! But travelling certainly offers plenty of opportunities to stand in front of ‘interesting stuff’, even if that stuff might be an everyday sight to the locals in that destination. So glad you’ve enjoyed these photos!

  • Anne Sandler

    My what great images that didn’t make it into any of your blog posts. I really enjoyed your images of Madagascar. Thanks for doing all the walking/hiking for us. Love your photos.

    • Sarah Wilkie

      Thank you Anne ๐Ÿ™‚ I reckon there’s a good chance some of these will make it into future posts! Glad you’ve especially enjoyed Madagascar as there is at least one more post to come about that trip!

  • Marie

    What a wonderful year you’ve had Sarah –
    They are all fab but I’m so taken with the last one! What a lovely clear image of the castle from the plane… ( and thanks for the Bruce quote!! I’ll be singing it all evening!!)

    • Sarah Wilkie

      Thank you Marie ๐Ÿ˜€ I was really pleased to be able to capture that shot of Windsor (and I’ve just now thought of the book title, ‘I capture the castle’, by Dodie Smith!!)

  • margaret21

    I never doubted that you would rise to this challenge Sarah. But to have such goodies at your disposal! Those sparrows, and the two young women chatting at the Metro station MAY be my favourites. Try me tomorrow, I’ll have different thoughts.

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