Deep pink blossom
London,  Portugal,  The Changing Seasons,  Themed galleries

Gallery: an April selection

Swéete April showers,

Doo spring Maie flowers

Thomas Tusser

The above lines by a little-known sixteenth century poet were transformed into a much better-known proverb: April showers bring May flowers. This is supposed to console us on wet April days with the thought of better weather to come. It reminds us that we need the rain to help things grow. But what if it doesn’t rain?

April in the UK has not been particularly warm this year, but it has been dry. In the south east, where I live, we have had only around a third of the monthly average rainfall. Nevertheless we were glad to head to the Algarve for a few days early in the month to find some warmer spring days. So some of my photography highlights this month look back to that trip; I’ve tried not to duplicate those already shared elsewhere in this blog. All the others were taken in local parks, gardens, or elsewhere in London.

Again I’m linking my April photography highlights to Ju-Lyn and Brian’s Changing Seasons challenge.

Technical notes

Most of these shots were taken with my compact Panasonic Lumix and a few with my phone. Some are straight out of the camera or with minor adjustments. But as usual I’ve enjoyed playing around with others. Those ones have been quite heavily edited with Nik Color Efex, or in a couple of cases Nik Silver Efex. As always, it’s pretty obvious which ones have been ‘fiddled with’!

  • Close up of white flower with yellow centre
  • Black and white photo of modern buildings and an Underground sign
  • Corner building with mural
  • Wall with small square of mirror and no comment sign
  • White dome against a blue sky with wisps of cloud
  • Green reptile on leaves
  • Orange flower
  • Cobbled street lit with yellow street light
  • Small brown bird on the back of a chair
  • Detail of a house painted yellow and grey
  • White rose
  • Spray of deep pink flowers
  • Straight path under green trees
  • Carved figures on a stone building


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