A foggy day by the sea
Fog hangs low over the outlying islets, and huge tree trunks almost block our path to the beach, but it is worth the scramble for the wonderful photo opportunities that we find there.
Margaret of From Pyrenees to Pennines and Teresa of My Camera & I have both invited me to join them and other bloggers to post one favourite travel picture a day for ten days without explanation, then each day, nominate someone new to join in on the same terms. I don’t usually post a single photo on my blog; I like to tell a story. But for this challenge I’ll resist that temptation and instead play a guessing game with you all. So, does anyone know where this amazing beach is to be found?

And the answer is, Rialto Beach on the Olympic Peninsula in Washington State.
I realise not everyone likes to be nominated for this sort of thing so there’s no pressure to join in. But I wondered, James of Jazzibeeblog, if you’d like to have a go? Don’t feel you have to but do link back to this post if you do; I’d love to see your photos!
Away We Go
Very nice, I have never been to Washington, and never would’ve thought they would have a nice looking beach like this one.
Sarah Wilkie
Washington State has an amazing coastline – the Olympic Peninsula where I took this, and further north the beautiful San Juan Islands. Maybe you’re confusing it with Washington DC which is inland so of course doesn’t have any beaches 🙂
Away We Go
I just have never been that over that way and we have traveled overseas much more and seen incredible beaches. Rather than see the northwest coast in our own country so I guess I just take for granted the beauty we have in our own backyards, ya know?
Sarah Wilkie
I think I’m guilty of the opposite – so keen to travel that I neglect what we have here in the UK! Until this past year that is, when holidays at home have become the only possible option 😉
Away We Go
Totally understandable!🙃
great photo
Sarah Wilkie
Thanks Tanja!
Too late, but it is La Push and it looks like a sunny day 😉 Normal for the Olympics!
Sarah Wilkie
Yes – well, the photo was actually taken on Rialto Beach on the north side of the Quillayute River, but I guess that counts as part of La Push?
Love the shot, Sarah 🙂 🙂
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Jo 😀
Photography Journal Blog
I wouldn’t have guessed this correctly, but I do really like this image.
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you 🙂
Northeast Pacific coast of the US would have been my guess too.
Sarah Wilkie
It’s the Pacific northwest Rosalie, the Olympic Peninsula
yuri rasin
Beautiful yet very atmospheric landscape. A very nice composition there!
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Yuri 🙂
This is a wonderful capture and thanks for the link, Sarah. Nice to see it, I haven’t been there.
Sarah Wilkie
Thanks so much Teresa, and thanks for (also) challenging me 🙂 This is going to be fun!
Yes…it was fun to think about travelling!
I’m also wondering about the Pacific coast. British Columbia? It would be lovely if it were. Our own travels in this area were in my pre-photography days and my memories are all in my head..
Sarah Wilkie
It does look like some beaches I remember seeing in British Columbia when we were there some years ago, but this is from a more recent trip. Sylvia (aka Starship, below) has narrowed it down for you!
starship VT
Sarah, glad you’re taking up this challenge as it gives me yet opportunity to see more of your fantastic photos! BTW, if I remember correctly, your photo posted today was taken during your trip to the US’s Pacific Northwest — Washington State??
Sarah Wilkie
Hi Sylvia, and thanks for the kind words about my photos and for joining in with guessing. You have the advantage of having seen my photos on Facebook AND of having a good memory! This is indeed in Washington State. Can you narrow it down any further?
starship VT
I think it was a state park but not sure which one.
Sarah Wilkie
National not state 😀 I’ll reveal the answer in today’s post later on – watch this space!