Ruins of a castle
Coast & seascapes,  England,  Monday walks,  Ruins

Kippers and castles: a walk from Craster to Dunstanburgh

One of the most memorable and striking sights along the Northumberland coast is Dunstanburgh Castle. Its ruins stand on a remote headland, reached by a beautiful coastal walk from the nearby village of Craster. It is this distance from any other building, any other sign of human habitation, that makes Dunstanburgh seem rather magical.

Come with me please on one of the most scenic short walks in the country …


Were it not for one thing there would be little to distinguish Craster from several other pretty Northumberland coastal villages. It has a small harbour with strong walls to shelter the boats from the North Sea. Stone cottages cluster around this harbour; there is a pub, a couple of cafΓ©s …

Craster Harbour

But as soon as you park in the car park, located in a disused quarry on the edge of the village, and take the footpath between the houses to reach the centre, you can smell the distinctive Craster scent of smoking fish. For Craster is the home of the kipper, or smoked herring. The Robson family have been curing herrings here for over a hundred years, and still do so in the original 1856 smokehouse. You can taste this delicacy in their restaurant, as well as in other establishments around the village; but they are also exported around the country and beyond.

Sign and tin kippers hanging on a wall
Fish smokehouse

The Robsons’ website explains the process:

β€˜First, the herring are split on a machine capable of splitting 500kg per hour, this replaces the numerous β€œherring girls” that used to split the herring by hand. Then the herring are placed in a brine solution of plain salt and water for a predetermined length of time depending on their size and, lastly, they are hung on tenter hooks and placed in the cavernous smokehouses. Fires are placed under the rows of herring made of whitewood shavings and oak sawdust and these smoulder away for up to 16 hours before the kippers are ready.’

Craster is named after the Craster family who owned this estate from 1272 to 1965. The harbour was built to commemorate the death of a member of the family who died in 1904, while serving in the army in Tibet. You can see his memorial on the harbour wall. The much taller structure at the end of the harbour was used to lift stone from the nearby quarry on to boats in the harbour; it was then shipped to London where it was used for kerb stones.

Craster Harbour with structure to lift quarry stones

The quarry was shut down in 1939 and, as well as being in part used for the car park, is also now a nature reserve. There is a footpath through the woods here; but we are yet to follow it, as our favourite walk is the one that leads to the castle.

The walk to Dunstanburgh Castle

Even without a castle at the end of it this would be a lovely walk, with the waves of the North Sea lapping (or crashing on to, depending on weather and season) the pebble shore and rocks to your right, and the gentle folds of the sheep-scattered fields to your left.

Part way along people had created a group of small cairns. Some may frown upon this human rearrangement of nature, others feel moved to add to it. I simply found it an interesting photographic stop along the way.

Piles of stones on a beach

On this occasion there was a sea fret (mist) and the castle was invisible from Craster; normally you can see your destination clearly as you walk (my feature photo was taken on a previous, less misty day).

But today the ruins emerged only slowly, and atmospherically, from the mist.

Misty view of distant castle
Approaching the castle

Dunstanburgh Castle

If you prefer your castles in picturesque ruins, rather than the almost intact state of, say, Bamburgh, you will like Dunstanburgh. It was built by Earl Thomas of Lancaster between 1313 and 1322 on the site of a former Iron Age Fort. He was leading a rebellion against the king, Edward II, and needed a place of refuge should things turn nasty. And turn nasty they did; he was captured at the Battle of Boroughbridge without ever being able to reach Dunstanburgh.

Misty castle ruins
The gatehouse in the mist
Misty castle ruins
Misty view of the gatehouse

The castle become the property of the crown and later passed to John of Gaunt, the Duke of Lancaster. He expanded it to serve as a possible defence against attack from Scotland. It changed hands several times during the Wars of the Roses and was damaged during a succession of sieges, so by the 16th century was already in a state of decay. The ruins attracted artists, most notably Turner and Thomas Girtin.

The most notable structure is the great Gatehouse, three storeys high and still impressive despite its ruined state. It gives some sense of the grandeur of the castle, which was the largest in Northumberland.

The castle is today owned by the National Trust, who naturally charge for admission. On that most recent visit we decided against going in, and unfortunately I have no photos from past visits (way back in pre-digital days); so for now these misty exterior shots will have to suffice to illustrate this Monday Walk for Jo.

I visit Northumberland regularly. These photos were taken on two visits to Craster, in 2016 and 2018.


  • Graham

    Love the misty shots of the castle and the information about Craster and kippers. It’s been donkey’s years since I had one and I never knew anything about their origin. It’s making me hungry now!

  • CadyLuck Leedy

    What a lovely walk and I love the piled rocks……but I understand the disturbance too! People always want to find a way to say yes I lived and here is the proof! Cady

  • Girl in Niagara

    What a lovely post Sarah and the images are truly stunning. The castle ruins in the mist certainly provide a special atmosphere. Oh what I would give to wander there for a while with my camera in hand. Thank you for that lovely walk around.

  • Rose Vettleson

    There is something so intriguing about castles, in any state of disrepair, they are still magnificent. I find it interesting how cairns have become a discordant issue. In our state we have the North Shore Drive. It’s a lovely stretch about 150 miles, along Lake Superior, located between Duluth, MN and Grand Portage, MN. There are several beautiful parks along the way. There was a controversial debate about the large number of rockpiles people built, that were wrecking the ecosystem. I love to observe nature and try to leave no trace, but can see how some might be compelled by their creativity to make something to leave behind.

    • Sarah Wilkie

      Thank you Rose πŸ™‚ I agree about the cairns, I’m somewhat conflicted. It clearly can’t be a good thing if too many stones are disturbed to create them but I understand people wanting to say ‘I was here’ in some fashion and I do find them interesting from a photographic perspective πŸ™‚

  • restlessjo

    I have seen it in sunshine but I have to agree it’s more often shrouded in mist. Wonderfully atmospheric, isn’t it? One of my favourite castles. I love Warkworth too. It was sunny when we were there last πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ Thanks, Sarah!

  • margaret21

    Oh, happy memories. We walked here from Alnmouth, where we were staying, a couple of years ago in May. In fact the weather for us was quite different – sunny, clear and fairly hot. A wonderful area with so much to offer.

    • Sarah Wilkie

      I’m pleased I brought back such good memories for you Margaret πŸ™‚ You never know what you’ll get weather-wise on that coast. Most of my photos, including all the misty ones, were taken in August!

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