Bronze statue of a man on a horse
History,  Paris,  Postcards from the road

A postcard from Paris: statue of Henri IV

Statue of Henri IV

Bronze statue of a man on a horse

The statue of Henri IV on the Île de la Cité

Henri IV was a much-loved king of France, reigning from 1589 to 1610, when he was assassinated. Baptised a Catholic but raised a Protestant by his mother, he tried to balance the interests of both. Four years after his death a statue of him was placed on the Île de la Cité where it is crossed by the Pont Neuf, facing the Place Dauphine. The statue was torn down after the Revolution but reconstructed to a modified design in 1818.

The Place Dauphine holds special memories for us as we honeymooned here, and we always make a point of visiting when in Paris. But it’s a few years since I thought to photograph Henri, something I was keen to put right on this latest visit to the city.


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