Sunrise photo superimposed with small images
Lens-Artists,  Photographic techniques,  Themed galleries

Gallery: your favourites of 2023

Picking five favourite books is like picking the five body parts you’d most like not to lose

Neil Gaiman

I could say the same about picking favourite photos, at least when it comes to my own. So much depends on my mood, on my associations with the photo (where I was, how I felt at the time); it’s hard to be objective.

Other people of course don’t have those associations, for the most part. Maybe it’s easier therefore to rely on their judgement?

The Lens Artists team have asked to see our favourite image shares from 2023. As I’ve already shared some of my favourite travel images from last year I wanted to do something a bit different this week. So instead of my favourites here are yours. Or to be more specific, here are the shots that many of you commented on or picked out from my Changing Seasons posts each month. Where there wasn’t a clear favourite or favourites I’ve adjudicated and picked my own out of those that garnered the most comments. I’ve also tried to go for some variety, balancing street photography, landscapes, florals etc.

As all of these have featured in my monthly slide shows for the Changing Seasons challenge you may well have seen them before, but that’s sort of the point of this challenge I guess! Besides, I know a few people have problems viewing those, so hopefully this post will give those people a glimpse into my past year. For the rest of you, apologies for the repetition but favourites are favourites for a reason!


Man and dog by the water's edge on a wintery beach

At Druridge Bay, Northumberland 2023-01-01


Two women in colourful dresses looking at their phones

Palenqueras, Cartagena 2023-02-14


Girl sitting on steps reading

At Granary Square, Kings Cross, London 2023-03-16


Mauve flowers and soft green leaves

Lilac blossom, Ealing 2023-04-16


Small dark red flowers and bright leaves

Auricula in our garden, Ealing 2023-05-21


Landscape with lichens, water and snowy mountains

Grøtfjord, Kvaløya Island 2023-06-05


Man in drag with blue boa and wig
Tennis player just after serving

[cheating with two images as they seemed to tie as favourites and, as portrait format shots, could be fitted in together]


Small brown bird on an iron fence

Meadow pipit, Tynemouth 2023-08-16


Bright green frog in water

Marsh frog, British Wildlife Centre 2023-09-13

Three young children shouting from a window with yellow shutters


Lake reflecting a sunrise sky surrounded by darkness


Close-up of a traditional tree with baubles, ribbons and natural decorations


Do share your thoughts, I'd love to hear from you! And please include your name in case WP marks you 'anonymous' - thank you