Four women in kimonos passing a shop
Friendly Friday,  Street photography,  Themed galleries

Gallery: these feet were made for walking …

You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose.

Dr Seuss

Last week for the Friendly Friday Hands and Feet theme I focused on hands. Today I’m turning to feet with a gallery of (mainly) street photos on the theme of walking, taken all over the world.

These feet are indeed made for walking, and that’s just what they’ll do! So let’s start in my home town of London and see where our feet will take us today …

Man in helmet passing art installation
In London’s Mayfair
Young lady passing colourful mural
Street art in Aachen, Germany
Monochrome photo of men with musical instruments
Marching band, Monreale, Sicily
Man with umbrella, hat and sunglasses on a narrow street
Rainy day in Lucca, Italy
Woman in red coat passing a church
Outside the church of San Michele in Foro, Lucca, Italy
Boy in red jumper chasing soap bubbles
Jumping for bubbles in the Piazza San Michele, Lucca, Italy
Priest walking past old houses
On the town walls in Bevagna, Italy
Lady carrying tin can past cows on a narrow street
Weaving past cows on the streets of Jaisalmer
Man and donkey cart in a narrow street
And donkey carts on the streets of Marrakesh
Man in traditional Muslim robes passing a carpet shop
In the Place des Epices, Marrakesh
Lady in conical hat with baskets on a yoke
Street seller in Hoi An, Vietnam
Young women in smart clothing with parasols
On the streets of Pyongyang, North Korea
Two women, four children on a street by a blue minaret
Family outing in Khiva, Uzbekistan
Old lady and child on sandy village street
And in the village of Ban Houa Done Deng, southern Laos
People on a mountainside
Finally, sightseers at Sharaf al Alamayn, Oman, without a street in sight!

And for anyone wondering, my feature photo was taken in Asakusa, Tokyo


  • Alison

    Wow, I love these photos. As its for Hands and Feet you really look at the feet in these photos. Such good shots Sarah.

  • Oh, the Places We See

    These images are all so good, you should frame some for your wall of memories. Excellent. I loved the street seller in Hoi An and the little boy with the big bubbles, but all are excellent.

    • Sarah Wilkie

      Ah, a ‘wall of memories’ – now that’s a thought! Actually we have relatively few of our own photos on our walls, apart from a set from Rajasthan in our dining room. There’s not much room because I buy so many souvenirs 😉

      The two photos you lick out are possibly my own favourites, perhaps alongside the Jaisalmer cows and the Lao village 🙂

  • Graham

    Very nice photos, and perfect for the theme. I like the Mayfair and Aachen photos particularly. The people and the art complement each other beautifully.

    • Sarah Wilkie

      Thank you Graham 🙂 I much prefer to include people in my shots of street art when I can – otherwise all I have is a record shot of someone else’s creativity 😀

  • rkrontheroad

    A great collection! I recognized Asakusa – that walkway with stalls of kimonos and traditional items. You have once again taken us around the world!

    • Sarah Wilkie

      Thank you Ruth 🙂 I don’t know about you but I loved Asakusa, where we stayed for our first few nights in Japan. It had a comfortable neighbourhood feel while still being very typically Japanese, and the shrine was stunning!

      • rkrontheroad

        I lived about 30 minutes west of Tokyo for 3 years and visited Asakusa several times. It’s one area of Tokyo that retains that traditional Edo feel. The shrine is visited by more Japanese tourists than anyplace else!

        • Sarah Wilkie

          We went to the shrine our first afternoon in Tokyo. We’d been travelling for 24 hours but couldn’t check into our hotel for several more hours so we grabbed a coffee to keep us (half) awake and headed there. It was the perfect introduction to Japan – lots of atmosphere, quiet corners to sit and watch passers-by, lots of colour and interest!

    • Sarah Wilkie

      Thanks Margaret 🙂 No, I wouldn’t want to walk around in those either. That’s a style peculiar to the young women in the capital it seemed, as elsewhere I saw women dress very differently and much less smartly!

  • Suzanne@PictureRetirement

    Sarah, what an extraordinary collection of street photography. I love the little boy with bubbles and the young Korean women walking with umbrellas. It looks as if one of them didn’t get the memo about wearing black shoes!

    • Sarah Wilkie

      Haha yes, you’re right about those women in Pyongyang. It’s almost a uniform but a couple of them aren’t afraid to set their own style, in a limited way. The interesting thing is that once you are outside the capital women dress very differently – much more practical, in trousers and with flat shoes. They cycle a lot which may be one reason for that.

    • Sarah Wilkie

      Thank you 🙂 No, I’m pretty sure I couldn’t keep those sandals on my feet while wearing socks but we saw this all over Japan! I have a very similar photo from Kyoto which I nearly included.

  • Marsha

    Woah! those are some walking. Wow! I love the rocky mountain walking and walking around cows. That’s something you don’t see every day in the United States in spite of all our cows. I loved the bright orange wall. Super post. 🙂

    • Sarah Wilkie

      Thanks so much Marsha, glad you enjoyed the photos 🙂 You soon learn in India that the cows have right of way and aren’t to be disturbed, even if they decide to lie down on a busy highway 😆 The orange wall was part of an art exhibit around the streets of Mayfair last summer. There were some great pieces, which I must share some time, and (as always with art exhibitions) some rather less great!

  • Anonymous

    What I think is ‘What a brilliant idea that was’! Great photos and great examples for your quote.

  • SandyL

    “These feet are made for walking” certainly applies to street photography 🙂
    A great whirlwind tour of street scenes around the world!

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