Three men in white with colourful turbans
People,  Themed galleries,  Thursday Trios

Gallery: taking on a new challenge

The best things in life come in threes, like friends, dreams, and memories

Mencius, Confucian philosopher

Is there room in my blogging life for a new challenge? Possibly not, but when I came across Thursday Trios I was intrigued and decided to see what I could find in my photo archives.

The idea is to share photos which show sets of three, as simple as that. My plan is to post from time to time, not necessarily weekly, and to find a theme among my selections.

People in threes

Today it is all about people. Finding them in groups of three isn’t always as easy as you might think. Couples are common of course, as are larger groups, but threes less so. Or so it seems from my archives! Nevertheless, here are some I found and liked, for my first ever set of Thursday Trios. A few I have shared before but hopefully most are new to you.

Three men in white robes holding swords

Musicians at Nizwa Fort, Oman

Three monks in orange robes by a river

Evening in Phnom Penh, three monks relaxing by the Mekong

Three girls in bright clothing climbing stone steps

On the steps of a church in Kerala

Three men sitting beside a road, one carving a bowl

Craft-sellers taking a break in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe

Three women talking by a colourful house

Relaxing in Tarrafal, Santiago, Cape Verde

Three women with bowls and bottles

At Assomada market on Santiago Island, Cape Verde

Three children looking at a phone surrounded by cardboard boxes

Children in Binh Tay Market, Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon)

A couple and small child with a red parasol

A family in Takayama, Japan

Three men talking on a bench

Near the Central Market in Riga, Latvia

Three girls dancing in a row

Dancers at a festival in Tallinn, Estonia


Do share your thoughts, I'd love to hear from you! And please include your name in case WP marks you 'anonymous' - thank you