Gallery: pick a word (November 2023)
Words and pictures are yin and yang. Married, they produce a progeny more interesting than either parent.
Dr. Seuss
That’s an appropriate quote for any blogger, as most of us do try to combine words and pictures in interesting way. While a photo can tell a story without the need for words, and words can do likewise without any illustration, the combination of both can be more powerful than either.
Each month Paula challenges us to find photos to match her chosen words. Some seem easy to ‘illustrate’, others I genuinely find challenging. But it’s an exercise I always enjoy!
Normally I use this challenge as an opportunity to whisk you all around the world, picking shots from my various travels. But this month I decided to make my life difficult by choosing images from my home city, London.
As always I haven’t stuck only to Paula’s five words, as I like to say a bit about each photo. However I do try to be more succinct for this challenge than for most of my posts!
Giant soap bubble and St Paul’s Cathedral
A favourite sight among children is that of the man who habitually creates these huge soap bubbles from a spot on the south bank of the Thames just across from St Paul’s Cathedral. The kids love to run around bursting them and perhaps having a (usually unsuccessful) go at making their own bubbles.
Padlock on the Thames Path near Southwark Bridge
I don’t see nearly as many love padlocks in London as I do in Paris, for instance, but they do crop up from time to time. I photographed this one as much for its colour as for the sweet message it conveys.
Street art, Brick Lane, London
I’m not completely certain this little creature / devil / alien is ill-mannered, but he certainly looks as if he could be!
Self-portrait in an art installation at Canary Wharf
This was an exhibit at the Summer Lights festival in 2022, and although the reflections of me don’t quite go on forever they somehow appear to do so.
The Clew, Canary Wharf
This is another installation in Canary Wharf. This one is permanent and was created by Ottotto of Portugal. It is made from 100 loops of red light which encircle the Cubitt Steps Bridge.
I’ve now had to look two (no three) times at your first photo of the giant soap bubble – it’s a very creative photo (I might even call it a work of art). And also the self-portrait is unique. Beautiful selection of photos Sarah!
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you – to be honest that bubble photo is just as the scene looked, no creativity required on my part! All the skill comes from the bubble-maker 😀
The brightness of the The Clew, at Canary Wharf would be cheerful during the colder months of winter. Art that is appreciated by all the community is terrific as entering art galleries can be daunting to some.
Sarah Wilkie
You’re right Suzanne, and the art festivals there certainly seem to attract a more diverse crowd than you tend to see in galleries 🙂
Anabel @ The Glasgow Gallivanter
I love the red reflections – a seemingly simple installation, but effective.
Sarah Wilkie
I agree – Canary Wharf is becoming a great focus for interesting art both permanent and temporary 🙂
As ever, you’ve managed a quirky interpretation of the adjectives, love it! I haven’t seen that Canary Wharf installation, it’s not a place I tend to go now I’m not working!
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Phil 🙂 We always enjoy the different arts festivals at Canary Wharf, both the Winter Lights and the summer ones. Worth checking out, if ever you’re in the country for long enough and at the right times!
Ha ha ok. What’s more, I was able to comment the “normal” way, so hopefully that strange glitch has de-glitched itself. Here’s hoping you don’t suffer the same thing as it’s disconcerting!!
Sarah Wilkie
That’s good to hear 🙂
Monkey's Tale
He looks like he wants to be ill-mannered. 😊
Sarah Wilkie
He does, doesn’t he?!
You’ve got some great photos to match the challenge. We met that little devil when we had that day in Brick Lane, but probably that photo doesn’t date from then.
Sarah Wilkie
Thanks Margaret and well-spotted – that little devil does indeed date from that walk!
Anne Sandler
I really enjoyed seeing more of London in this post. I hope you’ll continue showing us more. What does that guy use to blow soap bubbles that big? Every bridge in Sacramento has “love locks.” Sometimes it’s fun to see how they paint them.
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Anne 🙂 London will always pop up from time to time in my posts. I love to travel but I also love my home city! The bubble man uses a length of rope strung between two sticks which he dips in a bucket of the soapy water and twists to make a loop from which the bubble emerges somehow!
Oh, some great illustrations, Sarah! I used to participate in Paula’s challenge regularly, but not so much now alas, but perhaps I’ll give this month a go….
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Sue 🙂 I always really enjoy this challenge as it’s something a bit different!
I enjoy this challenge also Sarah after first spotting it on your blog. Another set of interesting words. I’ve never seen a soap bubble that big, such a great photo. It must have taken a while to collate these, I wonder if I’ll have time! We are off to Bali and HK next week, so I’ll see
Sarah Wilkie
Thanks Alison 🙂 Yes, that bubble is huge, but not unusual for that guy! I can’t remember, did we see him when we were in that area on our walk? Have a great time in Bali and HK – I look forward to hearing all about it!
Thanks Sarah, no didn’t see him