Wall painting of a sleeping purple cat
Bulgaria,  Photographing Public Art,  Street art,  Travel galleries

Gallery: more street art from Sofia

It’s no secret that I am a big fan of street art. I don’t mean scrawled graffiti, or even more precisely worked ‘tags’. I mean art. Like many cities today, Sofia offers a dedicated street art tour; we saw signs advertising it in several places. But we chose not to take the tour, instead preferring to seek out street art at our own pace.

I knew from my previous visit that there would be a lot around ul. Iskar, which leads eastwards from the mosque into a grid of quiet back streets. That proved to be the best hunting ground and also one of my favourite areas of the city. In addition to the street art there are lots of welcoming cafés, a few tables outside each on the pavement. Although it was a weekday the atmosphere was relaxed, with locals as well as tourists relaxing over a drink and a chat.

Most of the selection below, shared for this week’s Photographing Public Art challenge, were found on those streets. But others are from elsewhere in the city. A number, including my feature photo, were in a car park near Serdika metro, which had been almost completely repainted since my 2019 visit. Others were dotted all over the central area. And this isn’t all; I’ve left out quite a lot of shots in an effort to keep this gallery manageable! I hope fellow street art fans will enjoy it, and that perhaps some of those still uncertain whether this is art or vandalism will be converted.

And let me know your favourites please. Which are mine, you ask? The Dream Tree with penguins (I love penguins!), the Charlie Chaplin and the huge delicately coloured couple hugging.

If you’d prefer to view the photos as a slideshow you can do so by clicking any image in the gallery.

I last visited Sofia in September 2022 when all these photos were taken


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