When I photograph street art I am conscious that for the most part the success of the image depends on the quality of the piece of art itself, and that any creativity involved is that of the original artist, not mine as a photographer. So I often try to create something new by involving a passer-by, or two.
By doing this I can show something a little different, a little extra; I place the art within its context, on the street. And not just art but also posters and advertisements can be presented within their environment as backgrounds to our city lives.
So for this week’s Photographing Public Art challenge please come with me on a tour of some (mostly) European city streets where the people are as much part of the art as the paintings!
My feature photo, by the way, was taken at home in London’s Soho.

In Bologna, Italy

In Aachen, Germany

In Paris, France

In Paris, France

In Paris, France

In Riga, Latvia

In Leipzig, Germany

In Leipzig, Germany

In Lucca, Italy

In Lucca, Italy

And I couldn’t resist finishing with something a little different from La Fortuna, Costa Rica
This gallery was so much fun, with the human touch. It brings a sense of scale to the artwork too.
Sarah Wilkie
Thanks Ruth, that’s a good additional point about the sense of scale 😀
I really like the idea of photographing the street art in context. It adds interest and set your photos apart from those taken by others. Nice post!
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Tracey, I really appreciate the feedback 😀
philosophy through photography
Love the juxtaposition.
Fabulous clicks Sarah!
Love the trolly click!
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you 😊 That trolley one is probably my favourite too!
Wonderful collection of murals. I really enjoy seeing the people in the photo.
Over the years, I’ve spent many bytes of digital data on mural photos, always being sure to not interrupt the image with people in the way. Then, one day I discovered what you knew all along… Two women were walking by a mural, each head turned to the left looking at the mural as they walked, not breaking their forward stride. I captured that moment and also another shot of the mural alone.
You can guess which one I published.
Sarah Wilkie
Sorry John, this comment ended up in my spam and I only just found it! Thank you 😀 I’m glad you discovered this little trick!
I so often love your inspired ideas Sarah! This collection made me smile several times…
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you so much, I’m happy to have raised a smile or two!
A great street art story.
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Margaret 😀
Marsha Ingrao
I think you are definitely on to something, Sarah. It’s so interesting that in most of your photographs the subjects are oblivious, not only to the murals, but to you. They are consumed by their own thoughts and lives. I loved the poor lady with the bad hair scratching her head and the dog looking on from the mural like he understands totally! This is a pace-setter post!
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Marsha 😊 Glad you liked that shot – I took it in Belleville in Paris last year but didn’t include it in the post I wrote about that district because it needed a fair bit of cropping to get a pleasing composition 🙂
I love those photos. Truly. I would never begin to think about composing something like that. You’ve got a theme running through; astonishing. Yet each one tells a story.
Sarah Wilkie
Thanks so much, I really appreciate your comment and feedback. This is a fun exercise and adds interest to a street art photo shoot 🙂
These are so good Sarah. I love the artwork and how the passersby are not even remotely interested in it. You are so right in saying that taking a photograph is easy so to add another dimension is very clever. Will definitely try that next time
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Alison – yes, the lack of interest in the art shown by those passing makes for a good contrast with our own interest in it, whether as photographer or photo viewer 😀 Do give it a try, but be prepared to wait!
Yes a bit like a paparazzi!
Sarah Wilkie
Exactly so 😂
Manja Maksimovič
Wow, Sarah, these are amazing!! I love so many of them. They are all brilliant! Proper exhibition material.
Sarah Wilkie
Thanks so much Manja, I’m blushing 😊😊
“So I often try to create something new by involving a passer-by, or two”….something I have done for some time, Sarah
Sarah Wilkie
Ah, nice to know I’m not the only one 😀 Sometimes I stand there for ages waiting for someone to pass!
As do I!
Wow, some amazing works of art here. Very impressive! I adore street art!
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Gloria, glad you enjoyed this post 🙂 I’m a big fan of street art!