These landscapes of water and reflection are an obsession
Claude Monet
I understand Monet’s obsession with reflections, as will many photographers. They really add something to a landscape, perhaps because they allow us to ‘see double’. Already beautiful scenery is enhanced by being presented to us a second time, often rippled or distorted in an upside-down version of itself.
This week’s guest judge for the Lens Artists challenge, Jez, asks us to share some Seeing Double reflections. Water is the obvious source of these; a landscape of river or lake is the ultimate reflection opportunity.
My feature photo was taken in the Kamikochi National Park in Japan. Here are a few more.

Mirror Lake, Snowy Range, WY

Oxbow Bend, Grand Teton NP

Early morning at Lake Quinault on the Olympic Peninsula, WA

The crater lake of Mount Paektu, North Korea

Near Dyrholaey on Iceland’s south coast
The next couple of shots are from the Okavango; I’m pretty sure I’ve shared these previously but can’t resist including them here too. Seeing the delta’s beautiful landscapes from water level in a mokoro (traditional boat) helps to create really strong reflections.

Pinching an idea from John of John’s Space I played around with one of my Okavango reflection shots and turned it upside-down!

It’s not just landscapes that make good reflections. So I’ve been through my archives in search of other doubled-up images, some man-made and some from the natural world.
Reflected buildings
Let’s start with architecture:

Sometimes the reflection alone can make a great shot, even if this isn’t strictly speaking seeing double!

You don’t even need large expanses of water to find reflections. I enjoy looking for them in puddles on city streets.

Reflected birds
These two birds seem to be admiring their reflections, don’t they?

And while water may be perfect for reflections it’s certainly not the only reflective surface! So I’ll finish with a few reflections in buildings and other objects.
Anne Sandler
How did I miss this amazing post Sarah! It’s a beautiful response to Jez’s challenge. Loved all the images.
Sarah Wilkie
Thanks so much Anne 😊 It’s always a pleasure to get your feedback but none of us can keep up with everything in the blogosphere!
Wonderful examples of reflections, Sarah! I’m so far behind with my blog reading.
Sarah Wilkie
Not a problem – I get behind myself and it’s always nice to hear from you, wherever you pop up!
Reflections of an Untidy Mind
Beautiful gallery, Sarah. I love those landscape shots. It seems you get twice the wow factor when you can combine images of awe inspiring scenery with reflections. I also love the scenery reflected in your husband’s sunglasses.
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Tracy 🙂 I agree, you get twice the wow factor with a good reflection!
Some great reflection shots here, Sarah….we’ve been having some wifi issues here so I’m racing through posts and making quick comments – sorry I’m being brief
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you, and no worries about the brevity 😀 I appreciate you bothering at all while travelling!
GREAT reflections around the world. Love the puddles! Good eye. Love you ‘invert’ too. Hard to tell!
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you John, and thanks for the inspiration to try inverting 🙂 I experimented with all three of those Okavango shots and that was the one that worked best I felt. As you say, quite hard to tell, on a first look at least!
You really managed a versatile gallery, Sarah! Wonderful reflections alll over the world! But the puddles – they shine for me.
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you 🙂 Those puddles are definitely the most popular shots here, most people have picked them out as favourites!
Great pictures of reflections 🙂 My favorite is the one from Grand Teton as that is where my husband proposed to me
Sarah Wilkie
What a beautiful place to choose for a proposal! We celebrated our silver wedding anniversary there 😍
Oh that’s lovely! Grand Teton is just perfect for special moments 🙂
Tina Schell
Beautiful gallery Sarah. They’re all terrific but my favorite are the puddles. I’ve often photographed them but here the reflections are much less clear. You’ve inspired me to keep looking!!
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Tina 🙂 It’s worth keeping your eyes open for the perfect puddle – it has to be clean, still and close to an attractive building!
Gorgeous gallery, Sarah. I like the mountain shots because I love the mountains but there are other wonderful ones, too.
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Janet – I always love mountains too 😀
Andrea R Huelsenbeck
Wow! These are fabulous! If I had to pick a favorite, the St. Patrick’s Cathedral is stunning.
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Andrea 🙂 You don’t HAVE to pick a favourite but I’m always interested when people do!
The mountains and clouds reflecting in the water … that is truly beautiful! Wow Sarah, you have such a wide collection here – it’s worth it looking through them twice ☺️. The Okavango photo’s are really something special … and I like your fun upside-down photo!
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you so much 😊 The Okavango was amazing for skies and waterscapes! I have so many images on similar lines, the challenge was deciding which few to include here!
Oh, I like baffling people by turning shots upside down. That one was clever. I love puddle shots too, though mine tend to be muddier than yours. Great stuff as usual, Sarah.
Sarah Wilkie
Well I pinched that idea from John so he deserves credit for any cleverness! I’m less a fan of muddy puddles – the reflections are too murky and I always manage to splash my trouser legs even if I try to avoid going in them 😆
Love your reflection images of these glorious landscape and others, Sarah! All are beautifully captured. Lovely birds.
It’s always wonderful to travel with you through your lens.
Sarah Wilkie
That’s really nice to hear Amy – thank you 😊
Aletta - nowathome
Your photos are giving me double the pleasure too, Sarah! so beautiful! The buildings in the puddles are my favourites!
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Aletta. As I said to Kellye below, the puddles seem to be most people’s favourites 😀
Aletta - nowathome
Mike and Kellye Hefner
Based on the posts I’ve seen I think this is my favorite collection of your photos so far. No doubt you will trump that before long, though! 🙂 I applaud your creativity. The three puddle reflections are my favorites, especially the one of San Michele. The upside-down Okavango grass shot is amazing too! As always, thank you for sharing!
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you very much 😊 The puddles are emerging as firm favourites it seems!
philosophy through photography
Love the reflection of buildings, especially the puddle
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you, I’m glad you like them!
philosophy through photography
Welcome Sarah
Annie Berger
Hard to pick a favorite but the Tallinn puddle shot was a stunner! Will definitely have to keep an eye out for similar views as we travel. Thanks for the inspiration.
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Annie 🙂 Yes, do look out for puddles as you travel, they can be great for reflection shots if in the right place!
Photos by Jez
Wow, amazing response to the challenge, Sarah 👏 The landscape reflections are truly spectacular & the capture of reflections in the motorcycle, horn & glasses are inspired. My favourites are the puddle shots, particularly the cobbled ones; they add a great decorative border 😁 Thank you for playing along 😊
Sarah Wilkie
Thanks so much Jez – for this lovely comment and for choosing such a great theme!