Gallery: a February selection
Keeping up my resolution of taking at least one photo a day was very easy in the first part of February and much less so towards the end of the month. For the first two weeks we were in Costa Rica and I was in travel photography heaven – and overload! When we got home however the weather was cold and I was jet-lagged. It was hard to get motivated to look for images among the familiar scenes of home after the novelties of travelling.
Still I did my best and found a few things to inspire me a little. So here is a selection of a few favourites from the trip, many of which won’t make it into any other posts; although one already has and others will. These are followed by a few London scenes and the almost inevitable, it seems, tulip.
Since I seem to be making a new habit of doing this monthly round-up I’m linking to Ju-Lyn’s Changing Seasons challenge for the first time.
Technical notes
The Costa Rica shots in the slideshow below were taken with my Panasonic Lumix bridge camera DMC-F200; that’s my usual travelling camera and not the same as the point and shoot I tend to use at home. The London photos were all taken with my phone. Some images are straight out of the camera or with minor adjustments; others have been edited with Photoshop Elements, Luminar Neo (my new ‘toy’), Nik Color Efex, or the case of the two black and white shots Nik Silver Efex. Only the Volcan Arenal shot has been heavily edited to add some drama!
Lovely selection. The tulip is soft and a little sad.
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you – I do seem to have a bit of a thing about drooping tulips, I often photograph them!
So happy to have you at The Changing Seasons, Sarah!
Thank you for sharing your beautiful trip captures … even more so your London scenes: I am missing my London family & friends very much at this point, and appreciate so much a little peek (I went into Marks & Spencers yesterday just to have a few moments of a London feeling).
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Ju-Lyn 🙂 I’ll certainly join in future months too, and you’ll see more of London. This month we’re not going away at all so ALL my photos are likely to be taken here!
Marsha Ingrao
Your pictures are so fun and lovely. You prove that just having the best equipment isn’t all that is important when taking great pictures. You have an eye for composition and story telling. Fabulous post, Sarah. I also checked out Sue Butler’s post. I think I’ll use the slideshow more often. I’m not sure everyone takes the time for all the pictures to run through, but it makes a much shorter-looking post.
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Marsha 🙂 I can’t remember who said that the best camera is the one you have with you but it’s completely true! Sue’s photos are so beautiful, I know you’ll love them 🙂 That’s a good point about the slide show but I’m hoping people do see them all. Judging by comments on which is a favourite some at least are letting it run through. A good reason not to include too many however!
Beautiful pictures Sarah. I love the photo of the monkeys and back home, your picture of the London Palladium is also a winner!
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you 🙂 I was very happy to get a decent shot of those monkeys! The Palladium shot was a quick grab as we left the theatre after a comedy show last week 🙂
Wow Sarah, the captures are outta this world! On second thought, am glad I did not make that resolution, because my computer was already in the shop this year – lucikily I had prepped a few posts beforehand. Have a great weekend!
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you for your kind comment about the photos Emille 🙂 I don’t really understand the rest of your comment about your computer?
It’s okay … the guys that worked on something that was wrong for the computer, didn’t put the original settings back, but I didn’t know enough to discover that. But I am finally back to normal:)
Costa Rica! You make me want to return for more than excursions on a cruise tour. Wonderful photography. I really love that street scene in black-and-white.
Sarah Wilkie
Thanks John 🙂 I can certainly recommend a longer visit to Costa Rica. We were there two weeks but could easily have spent twice as long!
Another great idea – you have so much clever inspiration for different posts, Sarah. Very cool shot of the Tico guy.
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you, but as I confessed in my January selection I pinched this idea from another blogger, Sue Butler (, so I take no credit for it! Glad you like that shot, it’s a favourite of mine. He gave us a demo of his sugar cane machine and traditional coffee making, then served sugar cane spirit with a stick of cane in it, coffee and raw cacao – all delicious!
What a fabulous gallery. You’ve whetted my appetite.
Sarah Wilkie
Thanks Margaret 🙂 Not sure what it’s whetted for? March???!
If I had pictures like these to show I’d sit on my laurels for the rest of the month! You could also have teased us by only releasing one or two each day, or week! Lovely images, as per usual, and the colour is superb.
Sarah Wilkie
Aw, that’s lovely feedback, thank you Mari 😊 I guess I could have posted a couple at a time but I like the idea of bringing a few favourites together and besides, I always have too many ideas for posts as it is!