To me, photography is an art of observation. It’s about finding something interesting in an ordinary place.
Elliott Erwitt
One thing that struck me almost immediately about Tirana was its relaxed vibe. Probably because it was a holiday weekend (Orthodox Easter), the cafés and bars were all busy. People were out strolling the streets, meeting friends, enjoying the spring sunshine. As were we!
My camera was kept busy too, capturing not only the city’s sights but also life on its streets. More of the former in future posts no doubt. Today I’m simply sharing some black and white street shots for Bren’s Mid-week Monochrome and Leanne’s Monochrome Madness challenges.

I visited Tirana in April 2023
Beautiful! I almost wish I knew what the people in your photos are talking about – everybody in a relaxing mood. Well done with another lovely post about people in the streets!
Sarah Wilkie
Ah yes, that would be interesting! Probably some family news, some gossip .. people are pretty much the same the world over!
B&W does work well with some people pictures… 👍🏻
Sarah Wilkie
I feel so, especially some candid street shots
True. I’ll try some of mine…
There is something about B&Ws that allow an intimate look at your subjects. You have captured verve and it’s almost like time stood still. I particularly love the game of chess going on.
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Ju-lyn. I do tend to prefer B&W for street shots.
the eternal traveller
I love the chess players. They look like they’re well and truly settled in their favourite spot.
Sarah Wilkie
Yes, you get the feeling they’re there every Sunday!
Oh, excellent – great street photographs, Sarah!
Sarah Wilkie
Thanks so much Sue 😀
Wonderful photos – I envy you – I’d never be brave enough! I’m sure you’d a lovely weekend….
Sarah Wilkie
It’s not really bravery, just a decent zoom on a fairly small and therefore discreet camera! Yes, it was a great weekend, thanks 😊
You are wonderful at street photography, Sarah. I can only aspire to get as comfortable as you in capturing people going about their daily lives.
Sarah Wilkie
I’m glad you like the results John, but I never claimed to be comfortable doing this, it’s always a bit of a challenge except in India where people seem to love to be photographed! There the challenge is to get natural-looking shots as they all pose the moment they see the camera 😆
Interesting photo’s Sarah. Is it coincidence that the groups of people enjoying themselves outside were mainly men? I like black and white too.
Sarah Wilkie
That’s a good question Margaret. There certainly were plenty of women around, but maybe mostly younger ones. Looking back I think it’s probably the case that among the older generations going out to sit in a cafe or bar was regarded as a male activity, just as going to the pub was in England, but now it’s certainly not exclusive to them. Perhaps I find older people more characterful for this kind of photography, although I wasn’t especially conscious of that. I did have a few photos of mixed groups and one of two women together but I wasn’t so happy with those shots for a variety of reasons.
Great photos, love the different characters which one can read into the different faces and pastimes. Of all the countries where we’ve visited the capital city and provincial towns, Albania is the one with the biggest gulf. Arriving in Tirana was like stepping into a different world from the other places we’d been.
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Phil 🙂 Yes, I’ve read about the gulf between Tirana than the rest of the country. I reckon maybe Pyongyang in North Korea would trump it for scale but probably few other places from what I’ve heard
Leanne Cole
That kind of photography is not something I am very comfortable doing, so I always admire people who can. Great job Sarah.
Sarah Wilkie
You need a good zoom lens and a small amount of cheek, but if anyone spots me and looks uncomfortable or asks me to stop, I do (possibly after just one shot however!)
Awesome street photography Sarah… thank you for joining in xx
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Bren, I always enjoy joining your challenge as I like to experiment with monochrome editing, especially for this sort of shot 😀
Thank you for joining in xx
Street photography in black and white makes for a more dynamic feel in my opinion. Good shots, Sarah and from these photos it looks like you really enjoy this type of photography.
Sarah Wilkie
Yes, it’s a style of photography I’m exploring more and more, and you’re right, B&W does add dynamism and I think it brings out the person’s character more than their surroundings, whereas colour emphasises the latter more.
Mike and Kellye Hefner
You know I always love seeing “your people”. This one didn’t disappoint, Sarah. Lovely shots!
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you so much Kellye, I appreciate that! 😊
Brad M
Great candid life shots.
Sarah Wilkie
Thanks so much 😊
All of life, and most seeming very comfortable in their own skins, Sarah.
Sarah Wilkie
Yes, the atmosphere everywhere was very relaxed – probably the combination of some warmth in the spring sunshine and the holiday weekend 🙂
A nice combination 🤗💖
You do get about Sarah. How did you slip out of the country without my noticing?? Great street photography.
Sarah Wilkie
Haha 🤣🤣 Out and back again in fact! It was only a long weekend, Thursday to Monday. But next time I’ll be sure to warn you – or even ask permission 😆 ?
Oh, I think that’s the least you could do 😉
Anne Sandler
Awesome street photography Sarah!
Sarah Wilkie
Aw, thank you Anne 😊