Close-up of a swan with head tucked beneath a wing
Monochrome Madness,  Photographic techniques,  Themed galleries

Gallery: some favourites in black and white


With that in mind I have selected some favourite black and white shots (some taken originally in that format but most converted from colour images) to share for this week’s Monochrome Madness. While there is no set theme this week, I liked Leanne’s idea of simply sharing favourites. I should add that while these are favourites today, tomorrow I might make a very different selection!

Of course, the problem with presenting favourites is that you’ve quite likely seen them before! But I tried to include at least some that I’ve not previously used. For the conversions I, as always, used Nik Silver Efex Pro.

Waves breaking on rocks and seabirds flying

Rough seas at Puñihuil Beach, Chiloe Island, Chile

Rocky jetty and view of snow-covered mountains

View from Telegrafbukta, Tromsø, Norway

Child running on a beach with a stick

Silhouetted trees and white cloud

Small boat passing bank with palm trees

Mist over a still lake

Dramatic spiky plant

Spiny reptile on rough rocks

Face-on close shot of an elephant

Two women sitting talking outside a shop

Woman seated at a table reading a newspaper


Zigzag patterned modern building wall with a small tree

Curved staircase against a wood panelled wall

Looking up a spiral staircase

Feather on gravel ground

Old fire truck outside a small wooden church


Do share your thoughts, I'd love to hear from you! And please include your name in case WP marks you 'anonymous' - thank you