Gallery: seeking geometry in architecture
Mighty is geometry; joined with art, resistless.
Architecture could be said to have begun with geometry. Since earliest times, builders have imitated natural forms, such as circles. Pattern can be found everywhere in nature, and nature knows what it is doing; geometrical shapes are not only pleasing to the eye, they provide strength.
The Greek mathematician Euclid of Alexandria is considered to have been the first to set out the rules of geometry in 300 BCE. Later, in about 20 BCE, the ancient Roman architect Marcus Vitruvius was the first to write down the proportions for how structures should be constructed, in his De Architectura, or Ten Books on Architecture. His rules continue to influence architecture today.
For without symmetry and proportion no temple can have a regular plan
Marcus Vitruvius
Let us follow Vitruvius’s lead and seek out geometry in architecture old and new, all over the world.
Rectangles and honeycombs
Circles and ellipses
Lines and curves
Parallel lines
All shared for Patti’s Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #141: Geometry.
What a great post! You have really captured this theme.
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Dianne, I appreciate the positive feedback 🙂
Lovely. And for this challenge, a good idea to have them in monochrome,
Sarah Wilkie
Thanks Margaret – yes, I thought B&W would put more emphasis on the geometry and less on the subject matter 🙂
Love your angles, Sarah!
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Ann-Christine 🙂
Georgeous photos Sarah. Independantly, we both came at the challenge with similar angles 😉
Sarah Wilkie
Yes, I thought that when I saw your post. I guess this theme was perfect for architecture photos!
Rose Vettleson
Love the geometric details Sarah. I’m a fan of Frank Lloyd Wright’s work where he blends angular elements with nature. But I’m also awed by cathedrals and churches, anything with star details and rose windows.
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Rose, so glad you found something to love here!
Wow. Great examples. Very well done. I like the Gugg. 😉
Sarah Wilkie
Thanks John, glad you liked them 😀 That’s one of my favourite buildings – I love Frank Lloyd Wright’s work!
Anne Sandler
Beautiful examples Sarah! I especially liked your images of lines and curves.
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Anne 🙂
CadyLuck Leedy
I would never have thought to take these photos or put them together in a blog so well! Great post!
Sarah Wilkie
Thanks so much Cady 😀
This is quite a wide variety of different geometry in buildings – unusual to see just a part of the building, but still beautiful.
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you – I enjoy focusing on the details some of the time and it’s actually easier to get a good shot that way than trying to fit in the whole building I reckon!
I so enjoy this geometryseries around the world, Sarah. Each presents the beauty of the architecture and its uniqueness. Well done!
Sarah Wilkie
Thanks so much Amy, glad you enjoyed it 🙂
Wonderful shots, Sarah! I too liked the photo of Wells Cathedral.
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you 🙂 As I said to Jo, I’ll try to post more about Wells some time soon!
Great collection, Sarah. Your shots are marvelous and so expressive in black and white. B & W really highlights the geometry. I especially love the architecture in the Middle East. Great choice!
Sarah Wilkie
Thanks so much Patti. I felt this theme was crying out for B&W. Some of these photos were taken in B&W but most converted. But the last one is in fact a colour photo that was so monochrome I left it as it was!
Jane Lurie
Hi Sarah, Thoroughly enjoyed your gallery of architectural details from all over the world. You have a great eye for composition, symmetry and geometry. Terrific in monochrome.
Sarah Wilkie
Thanks so much Jane, I really appreciate the compliment 😀
100 Country Trek
Wow that is amazing Sarah. Fabulous Geometric images.
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you, I appreciate that 🙂
Islam and geometry go hand in hand, don’t they? Those tend to be my favourites 🙂 🙂
Sarah Wilkie
Yes, I agree Jo – I did consider doing my whole post about Islamic architecture but then decided I wanted to showcase some examples from closer to home too 🙂
Tina Schell
Beautifully done Sarah – I see we followed a similar pattern in seeking the ancients’ perspectives and insights. Your examples are wonderful. Loved the Wells Cathedral especially, which I”d not seen or heard of before.
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Tina 🙂 Wells is beautiful. We were there last September for a short trip (should have been going to Paris, but …) I must post more from there one day soon!