And in the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years.
Abraham Lincoln
In recent years (well, not very recent, for obvious reasons!) Iโve often enjoyed celebrating my October birthday abroad. Sometimes these have been short trips planned just for that purpose; other times we just happened to be travelling at that time. Either way, itโs always a pleasure to mark the day with the variety of experiences that other countries offer.
Here for Johnโs Lens Artists challenge is a selection of photos and reminiscences from my most memorable birthdays.
In 1999 we were in Stone Town on Zanzibar. Weโd spent the first week of our holiday on the mainland in Tanzania, enjoying our first ever safari. The second week was split between Stone Town and a beach hotel on the islandโs east coast. On the day of my birthday we went on a boat trip to a โdesertedโ island where we had a wonderful picnic of barbecued fish. In the evening we had dinner at a restaurant weโd enjoyed a few days before. It was my first experience of celebrating a birthday outside Europe, but not my last!

In 2001 we were in Brazil for my birthday, near the end of a trip that had taken us to Rio de Janeiro, Paraty, Iguacu, the Amazon and San Salvador. Those last few days were spent at a beach resort in Bahia, Praia do Forte. The nearby village had a turtle rescue centre which we visited but otherwise it was a place to relax and enjoy the sun before heading home to face the start of the English winter.

For my fortieth birthday my husband had planned a surprise visit to Paris, my favourite European city. Our photos of that trip, which was my first birthday abroad, remain undigitized, but I do have some from our repeat trip for my fiftieth in 2005.

In 2012 we were in Ecuador, near the start of the trip that would finish with a week cruising the Galรกpagos Islands. After a few days in Quito we did an overnight tour with a driver/guide to Cotopaxi and Quilotoa. My birthday fell on the first day of that tour and I was excited to be visiting Cotopaxi as I love mountain scenery. Unfortunately I was hit with the worst case of altitude sickness Iโve ever had (Iโm usually OK) and couldnโt face walking any higher than the car park as my head was pounding so badly.

We spent the night in a picturesque but chilly hosteria. The tour company had obviously told them it was my birthday and they laid on a special desert, a slice of chocolate cake with a candle in it. Disappointingly however it was actually less tasty than the desert my husband and our guide were served, plus I hadnโt felt able to have a birthday drink because my headache was still pretty bad. A memorable birthday for sure, and I was still thrilled to have seen Cotopaxi!

I think my 2015 birthday has to be the most memorable of all, to date. We were nearing the end of our trip around Rajasthan. I started my birthday in Bundi, one of my favourite places on that trip. We had breakfast on the roof of our lovely little hotel there, overlooked by the fort and palace. We then visited the palace, with its faded grandeur and stunning murals, before driving north to Ranthambore National Park.

That afternoon we had our first game drive there and as someone (our tour company? our hotel?) had told our guide that it was my birthday, he was determined to find me a tiger. For a while though it seemed we would be unlucky, although we enjoyed getting our first views of the park which is, as I have said, very pretty. And there were plenty of other wildlife sighting.

Then our guide got a message that a tiger had been seen in one of the neighbouring zones and was walking towards ours. The jeep was turned around and we headed back to a likely spot, where several other vehicles had also gathered, lining the road and looking towards an area of long grass. And we waited โฆ and waited โฆ
Our guide finally spotted movement at the edge of the grass. Most of us could see nothing at first but then we saw him; a solitary male, some distance away. He lingered for a while, turned and followed the edge of the grass for a distance, then disappeared into it again. Our first drive and we had seen a tiger!

In 2017 it was back to Paris for my birthday, celebrating with breakfast in a cafรฉ in the Place Saint Sulpice, near our hotel. Then a sunny walk in the Butte-aux-Cailles district, photographing the street art before taking the Eurostar home.

My most recent birthday abroad was in Lucca in Italy. We had mixed weather for our weekend, as you can see in the photos, but had a lovely time. If Paris is my favourite European city, Italy is my favourite country on the continent. I love the ambiance and the architecture, not to mention the gelati and aperitivi!

My birthday was quite sunny, so we walked the walls before descending to wander its streets and climb one of the several towers for beautiful views over the city.

Of course I have also celebrated at home, and sometimes with trips in this country. In 2019 we went to St Ives in Cornwall, as we werenโt long back from our North Korea trip. Covid restricted me to marking 2020 with a lunch at a smart London restaurant (luckily restrictions were relatively loose at that time) and 2021 with a weekend in Dorset. As to this year, all being well Iโll be far from home again โ watch this space!
Wind Kisses
Wow! Great birthday trips. I love travel on my birthday as well. Cant say I have ever seen a tiger in the wild. That truly was a gift. Great images to document these milestones, Sarah. Donna
Sarah Wilkie
Thanks so much Donna ๐ Yes, that tiger was the most memorable birthday travel moment for sure!
Your birthdays have been fantastic Sarah. I’m always at home on my birthday. I should change that.
Sarah Wilkie
I really recommend a birthday trip. Now I’m getting older it gives me a reason to celebrate when I might not otherwise bother!
Annie Berger
Great assortment of photos and captions detailing birthday celebrations abroad. Steven also had a terrible issue with high altitude sickness but in the Puno area of Peru – can be quite scary. Looking forward to seeing where you’ll be come this October’s birthday – will be sure to watch this space!
Sarah Wilkie
Thanks Annie. I also had some problems with the altitude in Puno but only a mild headache, nothing like as bad as Cotopaxi, thankfully. Other times I’ve been absolutely fine at altitude, you just never know whether it will affect you or not it seems.
Lucca is lovely. I have visited it too. I spent one birthday in Vienna and one in England. I dont usually travel for my bday
Sarah Wilkie
Vienna’s a great city too, and wonderful food!
What great birthday travels, Sarah. Just marvelous. The tiger….wow. And Paris….Lucca…lovely cities. Too bad about the altitude sickness. I’ve had a moderate case of it, but it sounds like your headache was really brutal. Take care and enjoy the weekend.
Sarah Wilkie
I’m prone to headaches anyway and usually just soldier through them but that one was really too much! Thanks Patti, we’re having a great weekend, hope you are too!
Oh, the Places We See
You may win the prize for best birthday trips ever! Wow! I’d love to see any one of those — but the collection as a whole is nothing less than masterful! Happy birthday wherever in the world you hope to go next.
Sarah Wilkie
I’m sure there are others who could come up with a similar or even better list! But yes, I have been very lucky ๐
What fabulous birthdays you’ve had Sarah, so many places. Stone Town looks very picturesque. I know I’ve travelled to a few places but seem to have lost so many photos. You’re very organised ๐
Sarah Wilkie
Hmm, organised to a degree – I was a librarian so I do tend to like to file things logically etc. But the Stone Town images come from just one of a handful of sets of 35mm slides I’ve got around to digitising, with boxes more gathering dust in a cupboard and unable to be used here or anywhere else!
They came out well then, there’s always something to do isn’t there? Better than having nothing to do though ๐
Thank you for taking us along on your birthday trips, Sarah! My absolute favourite is the tiger birthday – what a treat! You were very lucky! We only heard them roaring in Chitwan, Nepal.
Sarah Wilkie
That’s something of a coincidence as Chitwan is where I hope to be for this year’s birthday as long as nothing comes along to scupper our travel plans ๐
Yay! A great experience for us it was- hopefully for you as well!
Such a joy to be able to celebrate your birthday in different countries! Such a lucky girl!
Sarah Wilkie
Aren’t I just?!!
Fantastic ways to celebrate a birthday, and I love all the places you have visited so far! Our bdays are just before Christmas, and we normally save the time for other family activities, only few exceptions๐
I didn’t find your posts on North Korea, did I get it right?..
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Christie ๐ My North Korea posts are here: (I have them listed under DPRK, the name they prefer – sorry for the confusion!)
Thank you and no worries!! I’ll check it out
Anne Sandler
How wonderful to have been able to visit such amazing places on your birthdays Sarah. And who else can say that they got a tiger for their special day! Thanks for sharing them with us.
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Anne, I’m glad you enjoyed sharing my birthday trips with me ๐
Manja Maksimoviฤ
Most excellent birthdays and memories. Lucca is Lucca and hard to beat, but my favourite photo goes to Bundi Palace. How I’d enjoy it too! And the birthday tiger too! Whoooa!
Sarah Wilkie
Thanks Manja – Bundi was gorgeous and seeing the tiger really made my day, as you can imagine!
Tina Schell
OK Sarah, you get the prize for the most exotic birthdays!! Your tiger story was my favorite. I know you’ve been on safari, as have we, but tigers are much more rare and I get the sense that many people spend the time and money and never do see one so Wow for finding one on your first day! Terrific post.
Sarah Wilkie
Thanks Tina ๐ But all credit for finding the tiger must go to our determined guide!!
Anabel @ The Glasgow Gallivanter
Someone else did a post a few years ago on birthday travels, and I thought I might do the same. My birthday is July and often coincides with the Glasgow Fair long weekend, so I was sure we were usually away. Turns out we were not away as often as I thought and I abandoned the idea! Like you, I repeated a special birthday location though – both my 50th and 60th were spent in the Canadian Rockies.
Sarah Wilkie
A birthday holiday in the Rockies sounds a wonderful idea – I love mountain scenery!
Traveling is a great way to celebrate birthday! Thanks for sharing your memories with us, Sarah!
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Amy ๐
I. J. Khanewala
That’s the way to go ๐
We’ve also decided to travel on our birthdays and anniversary, but we haven’t got a birthday tiger yet!
Sarah Wilkie
Good luck for future birthday tiger hunts should you decide to embark on any ๐
So good to have so many birthdays in wonderful places ๐
Sarah Wilkie
It has been indeed Brian, and more to come I hope ๐
the eternal traveller
Having a holiday birthday is an extra special treat, isn’t it. I’ve had a few too. The most recent was at Niagara Falls – fantastic.
Sarah Wilkie
Ooh yes, a birthday at Niagara would be fabulous!
the eternal traveller
It was amazing. We took a day tour from Toronto. It included the boat ride, the tour behind the falls and dinner at the Sheraton with a table at the window with a fabulous view. Then we watched the fireworks over the falls that night. A memorable day!
You have been to a few places that are still on my list to see. The top of my list is Paris. I hope to make that trip soon!
Sarah Wilkie
I hope you get to Paris soon, it’s such a special city (although warning, I’ve heard of a few strange people who are disappointed by it ๐ )
Wow, that ‘deserted’ island in Zanzibar sounds like the perfect birthday gift! I can see that Paris has a special place in your heart – quite understandable ๐.
I will definitely ‘watch this space’ to see where you off to on this year’s celebrations!
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you ๐ You may have to wait a while, my birthday isn’t until late October and I don’t want to tempt fate by talking about our plans too much!
That’s ok … I will just enjoy all your photos of the places you are visiting in the meantime ๐.
Some fantastic locations there for birthday celebrations, Sarah! A bit freaky you should choose that topic today though – as Iโll be celebrating mine in Egypt this very weekโฆ
Sarah Wilkie
Happy birthday for this week! Phil, I assume? Funnily enough I’ve been meaning for ages to write a blog with this theme so John’s prompt finally pushed me into doing so ๐
Yes, me, Philโฆta!
Sarah Wilkie
I’m never quite sure who is who in your joint efforts ๐
Ah well, the general rule is (although there are occasional variations), I do the words on each post and do 99% of replies to comments and comments on other blogs. Michaela does all the photography and all the IT, so basically she turns my bare words into something that looks nice!
Sarah Wilkie
I had a feeling it was something on those lines but good to have it clarified ๐
WOW. Great birthdays! I climbed Cotopaxi to about 17,000’ASL before I was fully drained and had to go down. My hiking companions were not amused!
Sarah Wilkie
Thanks John. I’m not sure how high I was at that point but I felt pretty dreadful. I’m prone to headaches and had woken up with a slight one but once up there it became a real pounder ๐ The plan had been to park at the highest point you can drive and hike up to the refuge from there (the building with the yellow roof at the foot of my shot) but there was no way I felt able to go any further than a few yards from the parking lot, just to get some photos before descending a bit.
I think the refuge is about 15,000FASL. We too parked below and had to hike to it.
Sarah Wilkie
Sounds about right
Brilliant. My birthday is in August and, as teachers, we were usually away somewhere. No one else in the house can remember birthdays except for significant dates but I remember them all!!! Of course, I’ve been in Ireland for the last two so here’s hoping for August 2022!! (nothing booked yet!!)
Sarah Wilkie
As a teacher you were fortunate to have an August birthday, as there would have been no getting away if it had fallen on a work day. When I was a child my birthday always fell in the October half-term so I never had to go to school ๐
Aletta - nowathome
Love the different places you’ve been Sarah!
Sarah Wilkie
Thanks Aletta – I’ve been very lucky to have been able to travel as much as I have ๐
Aletta - nowathome
Fantastic ๐
Richard Kolar
I celebrated my birthday in London on our first trip to Europe in 2008.
Sarah Wilkie
And is that when we met, on the evening organised by Sue Stone?
Tales From My Lens
I think planning a trip is a nice way to celebrate. You have given me an idea for this year๐
Sarah Wilkie
That’s good to hear – hope you have a great celebration!